In both my pregnancies while living as an expat, one of the questions I have been asked frequently - right up there alongside "How far along are you?" and "Is
The first response I get, when I tell people that I am an international educator, is the assumption that I teach English for second language learners.
It seems that the schools and organizations
It has been harder than I expected to give up my classroom to focus on my home. The struggle has only been exacerbated when I feel like I am on my own as an expat mom, because then I am reminded of why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place.
"I think I could live overseas if only I were married." This sentiment has echoed through many conversations I have had with single friends considering the expat life, but it has always worried me.
A final piece of advice one of my professors imparted to my class of senior Elementary Education majors before we all went off to our student teaching placements came in the form of the adage, "Don't reinvent the wheel."